Best Troll Names

Troll names are unique and often fantastical names that are associated with trolls, mythical creatures known for their large size, strength, and sometimes mischievous nature. These names can be found in various forms of literature, folklore, mythology, and pop culture. The origins of troll names can be traced back to ancient folklore and mythology, where trolls were often depicted as powerful and sometimes dangerous beings that lived in caves or forests.

In Scandinavian folklore, trolls were believed to be supernatural beings that inhabited the wilderness. They were often depicted as large, ugly creatures with a penchant for causing trouble. Trolls were known for their strength and ability to shape-shift, which made them formidable adversaries. In these stories, trolls were given names that reflected their characteristics or the environment in which they lived.

Key Takeaways

  • Troll names are fictional names used to identify trolls in literature, pop culture, folklore, mythology, online gaming, and other media.
  • Choosing the best troll name requires creativity, originality, and relevance to the character’s personality, appearance, and backstory.
  • Famous troll names include Tolkien’s Smaug, Rowling’s Dobby, and DreamWorks’ Branch.
  • Traditional troll names from folklore and mythology vary by region and culture, such as Scandinavian trolls named Jotun and Finnish trolls named Näkki.
  • Funny and creative troll names for online gaming and forums can be puns, alliterations, or references to popular culture, such as Trollface and Grumpy Cat.

The Importance of Choosing the Best Troll Name: Tips and Tricks

Choosing the right troll name is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps to establish the identity of your troll character. A well-chosen name can give your character depth and make them more memorable to readers or players. Additionally, a good troll name can help set the tone for the story or game in which the character appears.

When choosing a troll name, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, consider the characteristics of your troll character. Are they strong and intimidating? Mischievous and cunning? Gentle and kind? Choose a name that reflects these traits. Additionally, think about the setting in which your troll character exists. If it’s a fantasy world with its own unique language or culture, consider incorporating elements of that into the name.

To make your troll name stand out, try incorporating unique sounds or combinations of letters. This can help make the name more memorable and distinct from others. Additionally, consider using descriptive words or phrases in your troll name to give it more depth and meaning. For example, if your troll character is known for their strength, you could incorporate words like “mighty” or “powerful” into their name.

Famous Troll Names from Literature and Pop Culture

Troll names have made their way into various forms of literature and pop culture, often becoming iconic symbols of certain characters or stories. One famous example is the character of “Troll” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit.” In the book, Troll is one of three trolls that capture Bilbo Baggins and the dwarves. The name Troll perfectly captures the essence of these characters, who are depicted as large and brutish creatures.

Another famous troll name is “Trollface,” which originated from an internet meme. The image of Trollface, with its mischievous grin and wide eyes, became synonymous with internet trolling and pranks. The name Trollface perfectly captures the playful and sometimes malicious nature of online trolls.

Traditional Troll Names from Folklore and Mythology

In folklore and mythology, traditional troll names often reflect the characteristics or environment of the trolls themselves. For example, in Scandinavian folklore, there is a troll named “Rumpelstiltskin,” who is known for his ability to spin straw into gold. The name Rumpelstiltskin is derived from the German word “rumpel,” which means “rattle” or “clatter,” and the word “stilzchen,” which means “little foot.” This name reflects the troll’s mischievous nature and his ability to create chaos.

Another traditional troll name is “Grendel,” from the epic poem “Beowulf.” Grendel is a fearsome monster that terrorizes the kingdom of Hrothgar. The name Grendel is believed to be derived from the Old Norse word “grindr,” which means “gate” or “barrier.” This name reflects the troll’s role as a gatekeeper and his ability to create fear and chaos.

Funny and Creative Troll Names for Online Gaming and Forums

In the world of online gaming and forums, troll names often take on a more humorous and creative tone. These names are often meant to be playful or ironic, and they can help players stand out in a crowded online community. Some examples of funny and creative troll names include “Trololol,” “Trollinator,” and “Trollolicious.”

These names often incorporate puns or wordplay to create a humorous effect. For example, the name “Trololol” is a play on the popular internet meme “Trololo,” which features a Russian singer singing a nonsensical song. The name “Trollinator” is a combination of the words “troll” and “terminator,” creating an image of a powerful and relentless troll.

Dark and Mysterious Troll Names for Fantasy Novels and RPGs

In fantasy novels and role-playing games (RPGs), dark and mysterious troll names are often used to create an atmosphere of danger and intrigue. These names can help establish the tone of the story or game, and they can make the trolls more menacing and formidable. Some examples of dark and mysterious troll names include “Shadowfang,” “Dreadmaw,” and “Nightshade.”

These names often incorporate words or phrases that evoke darkness or mystery. For example, the name “Shadowfang” suggests a troll that lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. The name “Dreadmaw” implies a troll with a fearsome mouth or jaws, capable of inflicting great harm. The name “Nightshade” suggests a troll that is associated with poison or danger.

Cute and Adorable Troll Names for Children’s Books and Movies

In children’s books and movies, troll names often take on a cute and adorable tone. These names are meant to be endearing and lovable, and they can help create a sense of warmth and comfort for young readers or viewers. Some examples of cute and adorable troll names include “Snugglepuff,” “Twinkletoes,” and “Cuddles.”

These names often incorporate words or sounds that are associated with sweetness or playfulness. For example, the name “Snugglepuff” suggests a troll that is soft and cuddly, perfect for snuggling up with. The name “Twinkletoes” implies a troll that is light on its feet and full of energy. The name “Cuddles” evokes a sense of warmth and affection.

Unique and Unusual Troll Names for Original Characters and Stories

For those looking to create original characters or stories, unique and unusual troll names can help make their creations stand out. These names can be a combination of different languages, sounds, or even made-up words. Some examples of unique and unusual troll names include “Zephyrion,” “Lunaris,” and “Avalora.”

These names often have a melodic or poetic quality to them, making them pleasing to the ear. They can also evoke a sense of mystery or otherworldliness. For example, the name “Zephyrion” suggests a troll that is associated with the wind or air, while the name “Lunaris” implies a troll that is connected to the moon. The name “Avalora” has a regal quality to it, suggesting a troll that is powerful and respected.

Troll Name Generators: How to Use Them and Which Ones to Choose

If you’re struggling to come up with a troll name on your own, there are several online troll name generators that can help inspire you. These generators use algorithms to create unique and interesting names based on certain criteria that you provide. To use a troll name generator effectively, start by selecting the type of troll name you’re looking for, such as funny, dark, or cute. Then, input any additional preferences or criteria, such as the length of the name or specific sounds you want to include.

There are many troll name generators available online, but some of the best ones include Fantasy Name Generators, Name Generator Fun, and Cool Generator. These generators offer a wide range of options and can help you find the perfect troll name for your needs. Additionally, they often provide additional information or context for each generated name, which can help you understand its significance and meaning.

Finding the Perfect Troll Name for Your Needs

In conclusion, choosing the right troll name is important for establishing the identity of your character and setting the tone for your story or game. Whether you’re looking for a funny and creative name for online gaming, a dark and mysterious name for a fantasy novel, or a cute and adorable name for a children’s book, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can draw inspiration from famous troll names in literature and pop culture, traditional troll names from folklore and mythology, or even use a troll name generator to help spark your creativity. With a little thought and imagination, you can find the perfect troll name that will make your character come to life.


What are troll names?

Troll names are fictional names used by internet trolls to hide their real identity while engaging in online discussions or activities.

Why do trolls use fake names?

Trolls use fake names to avoid being identified and held accountable for their actions. They can also use multiple fake names to create the illusion of a larger group or to avoid being banned from online communities.

What are some common troll names?

Common troll names include variations of popular culture references, offensive or vulgar terms, and intentionally misspelled words.

What are some examples of troll names?

Examples of troll names include “Trolololol”, “AnnoyingOrange”, “PewDiePieFan69”, “xxXDarknessXxx”, and “iHateEveryone”.

Are troll names always offensive or vulgar?

No, troll names can also be harmless or even humorous. However, offensive or vulgar troll names are more common as they are intended to provoke a reaction from others.

Can using a troll name be illegal?

Using a troll name itself is not illegal, but using it to engage in illegal activities such as cyberbullying, harassment, or defamation can result in legal consequences.

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